182. BL
Author: Alan Fogel, Barbara J. King and Stuart G. Shanker.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

183. BL
Author: 2009013101893nam1 22002412i 450 001000700000020001700007100004500024101000800069200009900077210012900176215000900305320004500314327084900
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

186. BL
Author: edited by Thomas J. Biersteker and Sue E. Eckert.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

187. BL,Archives and archivists : key collaborators in the digital lbirary / William E. Landis, Robin L. Chandler -- Committing to memory : a project to publish and preserve California local history digital resources / Adrian L. Turner -- Technologically enhanced archival collections : using the buddy system / Dayna Holz -- California cultures : implementing a model for virtual collections / Genie Guerard, Robin L. Chandler -- The importance of user-centered design : exploring findings and methods / Rosalie Lack -- How and why of user studies : RLG's RedLightGreen as a case study / Merrilee Proffitt -- From horse-drawn wagon to hot rod : the University of California's digital image service experience / Maureen A. Burns -- Archiving web sites for preservation and access : MODS, METS and MINERVA / Rebecca Guenther, Leslie Myrick -- Video preservation and digital reformatting : pain and possibility / Jerome McDonough, Mona Jimenez -- Digital archiving and preservation : technologies and processes for a trusted repository / Ronald Jantz, Michael Giarlo -- The complexities of digital resources : collection boundaries and management responsibilities / Joan
Author: Philip Mattar, editor in chief. ,William E. Landis, Robin L. Chandler, editors.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

188. BL,BL
Author: \ Peter Cheyney ,\ Bruce Bueno de Mesquita
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

189. BL,BL
Author: / Marshall G.S. Hodgson. ,20090530 0
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

190. Between Islam and Byzantium :
Author: 20090526
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

191. Breaches of contracts and claims by third parties / Stephen Waddams -- Policy issues in defective property cases / Stephen Todd -- Defective structures and economic loss in the United States : law and policy / David F. Partlett -- Harm screening under negligence law / Israel Gilead -- Acts ,Notre Dame, Ind. :
Author: edited by Jason W. Neyers, Erika Chamberlain and Stephen G. A. Pitel. ,Alexandra Cuffel.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

192. Ce Que La Culture Doit Aux Arabes D'Espagne
Author: \ Juan Vernet, La cultura hispanorabe en Oriente y Occidente
Library: Library of Islamic Encyclopedia Foundation (Tehran)
Subject: Learning and scholarship -- History -- Medieval, 500-1500 -- History., Civilization, Western -- Islamic influences, Muslims -- Spain -- History,Muslims -- Spain -- History -- 711-1516.,Civilisation occidentale -- Influence islamique, Spain -- Intellectual life -- 711-1516, اسپانیا -- زندگی فرهنگی -- ۷۱۱ - ۱۵۶۱۶م
Classification :

193. Ciudades hispanomusulmanas /
پدیدآورنده : por Leopoldo Torres Balbas ; introduccion y conclusion por Henri Terrasse.
موضوع : Cities and towns, Medieval--Spain.,Civilization, Western--Islamic influences.,Muslims--History.--Spain,Spain--History
۳ نسخه از این کتاب در ۱ کتابخانه موجود است.
194. Cold war history
Author: edited by Frédéric Bozo ... [ et al.].
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

195. Corruption and the secret of law : an introduction / Gerhard Anders and Monique Nuijten -- Hidden acts, open talks : how anthropology can "observe" and describe corruption / Giorgio Blundo -- Deep corruption in Indonesia : discourses, practices, histories / Heinzpeter Znoj -- Corruption judgments in prewar Japan : locating the influence of tradition, morality, and trust on criminal justice / Andrew MacNaughton and Kam Bill Wong -- Corrupted files : cross-fading defense strategies of a Vesuvian lawyer / Livia Holden and Giovanni Tortora -- Corruption narratives and the power of concealment : the case of Burundi's civil war / Simon turner -- The orchestration of corruption and excess enjoyment in western Mexico / Pieter de Vries -- Corruption or social capital? : tact and the performance of Guanxi in market socialist China / Alan Smart and Carloyn Hsu -- Corruption in the U.S. borderlands with Mexico : the "purity" of society and the "perversity" of bo
Author: edited by Monique Nuijten and Gerhard Anders.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

196. Crusade and Jihad
Author: \ William R. Polk,Polk, William R.
Library: Library of Foreign Languages and Islamic Sources (Qom)
Subject: Islamic countries -- History,Imperialism,Arab countries -- History,Europe -- Colonies,کشورهای اسلامی -- تاریخ,امپریالیسم ,کشورهای عربی -- تاریخ,اروپا -- مستعمرهها
Classification :

197. Ein bestseller aus der islamischen republik Iran
Author: \ Der liebesroman der morgen nach dem Rausch Bamd
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)

198. Friends of the emir :
Author: Luke B. Yarbrough.
Library: Center and Library of Islamic Studies in European Languages (Qom)
Subject: Islam and state-- Islamic Empire.,Islam-- Relations.,HISTORY / Middle East / General.,Islamic Empire, Intellectual life.,Islamic Empire, Officials and employees.,Islamic Empire, Politics and government., 0, 0, 0
Classification :

200. How do rogue nations threaten human rights? -- North Korea represses freedom / Kay Seok -- Iran violates women's rights / Sam Brownback -- Sudanese government engages in genocide / Human Rights Watch -- United States violates human rights worldwide / Vernon Coleman -- Rogue nations undermine the United Nations' mission to promote human rights / Joseph Loconte -- U.S. invasions have not spread democracy in the Middle East / Phyllis Bennis -- How should the global community respond to rogue nations? -- Preemptive force is sometimes necessary to contain rogue nations / National Review -- Preemptive force threatens efforts to contain rogue states / Ivan Eland -- Missile defense system is necessary to protect against rogue nations / Dennis Ross -- Missile defense system is unnecessary / Gwynne Dyer -- Promoting globalization will reduce the threat posed by rogue states / Banning N. Garrett, Dennis M. Sherman -- Globalization
Author: Louise Gerdes, book editor.
Library: Library of Islamic Parliament (Tehran)